Mayam Jagat |
Of India |
Now enters Sri Rama with a bow and arrow proclaiming his ideal of ideals - "one arrow, one wife and one word". With these
triple ideals he entered into the innermost recess of every living creature worth the description. Born to the immortal
Kousalya, Dasaratha, Adarsha dampathas. He established Ramarajya breathing in Dharma and breathing out Satya. His
matchless pitruvakya par palana. Bhatruprema and Eakapatnivratya have caught the fancy of ennobling souls to such extent
that even the ruthless antagonist have prefixed and suffixed his glorifies name to their names - christened years before their
realisation of its infinite potentialities. Hence the existence of Abbas Rams and Ramsay Johns, the · former word standing
tier Ramswamy. and Joseph Rain and the like. The word divinises the contents. dignities the position, magnifies the status.
solidifies the potency and significant the glory of any animate or inanimate object erupting the earth, if affixed either in the
fore or rear by its untainted, inexhaustible. immutable power No wonder. the bearers of that unsurpassable holy name
declare vociferously that by littering the first syllable 'RA' the lips part to clove away the · inherent sins. and with 'MA' the
second syllable. They are closer shutting any sin entering the hotly again. It is second to none. hilt to itself in all.
During his 14-year exile. he destroyed the entire unrighteous asurajathi and enthroned the virtuous Vibhisltana. though
belonging to danujajati. With thl· exit of Ravana and humhliakarna. formerly Jaya Vijayas of Vaikunta. there was inducted
rihghteous rnle that spilled nectar over the earth and shed light at each step of every one living then and passed Ramarajya
that became an ideal for every ruler, bill remained a mirage so far and would continue so for ever; tier. no ruler however
much committed to Dharnta dares sending his own spouse in full pregnancy to forests at a thoughtless insinuatory remark
of a fibber. He did. That is Ramarajya and it became a synonym for godly upright rule. hnniorality and ]duplicity were buried
alive in his rule and so Dharma stalked with four legs. No wonder such ruler and his ideal become the craze of the people.
who know value of Dharma or whose mined in sound condition.
There sprouted then and later :in infinite number of temples of all dimensions all over the world fir adoration and to imbibe.
assimilate. and implement the eternal values he bequeathed to the posterity.
Among the countless. only a few are selected keeping in view of the limitations of the book. and this does not mean those
excluded do not deserve visitation for adoration. Visitation of Ayodhya. his birth place seems quite appropriate. (vide Divya
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