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Of India |
Bali Chakravarthi, the redoubtable demon king. grandson of Prahlad. the celebrated Vishnubhakta established
his sway over three worlds and shielded his asurakula from the danger of any kind by any external forces. He was a danava
with a difference. imbued and assimilated exemplary traits of an infinite verity. the chief being giving anything the datha
asked for. Yet. he subjected Suras to interminable-agony due to born enmity. inherited from his ancestors. He was
Dharmasili. an exact prototype of his grand father. Gods. particularly Devendra, who lost his power and prestige. prayed to
hard Mahavshnu for restoration of his kingdom from Bali. the conqueror. This necessitated the incarnation of Vamana to
suppress Bali and reinstate Devendra. Vamana, a byword for dwarfish satire was the son of Aditi and Kasyapa couple. who
drank in the whole Vedic lore at quite an early age and started his Bikshatana in accordance to the tradition of his clay. He
appeared before Bali and stretcherl his bowl for gift. Bewitched by the Brahmatejas exuding from his comely face and
wondering at his pigmy size Bali said. - "Ask. anything you like and it will he yours. the moment it comes out of your mouth".
Vamana asked for a rift of three feet of earth for meditation purpose. Sukracharya. Bali's Kulaguru dissuaded to grant. as it
was Mahavishnu who came to punish him. Setting it aside the objection. he said "Yes". This was for this, the lord
descended. At once he put on his Viratarupa and measured the earth with one foot and the sly with another. And then asked
to show space for the third foot. Bali. known for truthfulness showed his head for the third foot. When Sri Mahavishnu was
about to crush him. there appeared on the scene Prahlad and implored the Iord to let off his grand son; for he did not
deserve such punishment. The Lord pressed Bali with his foot to Patalaloka anal made him the king with everything needed.
far surpassing the Devendraloka. Together with it. he volunteered to act as his sentinel, stationed at the portal to screen him
from any clinger. Vishnu is Vishnu. the highest. none to come near in comparison. either in the act of punishment, or for the
gift for upliftment.
And with this. the Vamanavatar receded into background. Nothing was enjoined, nor ordained. in person or in dream to
anyone; yet the devout theists have built a few shrines in memory of that noblest, mightiest mahatkarya relieving maanavali
from asurapalana. Now let us approach each one for the darsan of that Lilliput - Brobdingnagian God for bliss.
Independent temples with lofty dimensions. embellished with sculptural marvels are not found for this avatar in this land.
though this short stature bachelor measured the earth and firmament with His gargantuan feet. Ancient temple builders have
given importance to this incarnation only to the extent of building, imposing and tine niches or pavilions in the gigantic
temples built for gods of their choice and taste. This avatar has shrines a few as in the case of shrines for Matsyavatar,
Kurmavatar and Varahavatar. Being installed in niches, they arc denied of regular pujas or periodical festivals. A sad
commission! A slur on the indifference of bhaktakoti!! But in some places. the archamurtis are installed and adored as the
representation of this much neglected incarnation.
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