14. But some imaginative people
ask, "If
sannyasa, the way of renunciation, is really better than yuddha dharma, the way of conflict,
why did Lord Krishna not make Arjuna a true sannyasi straightway? Was this
impossible for Him?" Of course, there was nothing that He could not do. But, in that case, what
would be the meaning and purpose of Arjuna's life? What does he achieve himself? Almighty God has
given us freedom.
And so, let every man make his own efforts; for that is where the fun
lies. Children find joy in drawing pictures themselves. They do not like someone else holding their
hand and drawing the picture for them. If the teacher gives the answer to all the questions put to
the child, how is the child's mind to grow? So the work of the teacher
and the parents is only to make him attend, and help him with suggestions. God guides us all
from within. He does no more than this. If, like a potter, He were to
beat our clay and mould each of us into a pot, where is the sense in it?
We are not just pots of clay. We are the living consciousness.