At the invitation of the University of Madras, I delivered two lectures under the auspices of the ‘Dewan Bahadur K. Krishnaswamy Rao Endowment' on the 29th and the 30th of April 1970. 1 chow for my theme 'The One-thousand Names of Visnu'.
In these lectures I have sought to explain the place of bhakti, a constituent of which is reciting the names and glories of 'God, as the most potent auxiliary on the practical side of Advaita. And, these lectures, as the title
suggests, are based upon a study of the Visnu-Sahasra-nama. It is hoped that the contents of this book will engage the attention of the scholar as well as the general reader.
I am grateful to the authorities of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan for publishing these lectures under their popular Book University series, and to the University of Madras for permission given for the publication.
University Buildings,
February 21, 1972.