What Every Hindu Ought To Know


There is overwhelming evidence to show that the great sage Agastya journeyed to those lands, spreading the unfailing message of the Eternal Religion. Shustery says in his Outlines of Islamic Culture that the Haj pilgrim while approaching the great Mosque at Mecca had to wear the dhoti and the uttareeya (upper cloth) ! As regards the teaching of the Christian missionaries like Plotinus, Clement, Gregory, Augustine and others Dean Inge was obliged to declare : "it is the ancient religion of the Brahmins (that is) masquerading in the clothes borrowed from the Jewish, Gnostic, Manichaean and Neoplatonic allegories."

Diwan Chamanlal has accumulated unassailable mass of evidence in his Hindu America to show that the Hindus migrated to the American continent long before Columbus. The effect of Hindu culture is evident even to this day, especially in Mexico.  

Should we not be proud of this ?


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