is a very crude fact ; but it is a very grim X-ray of the Muslim
mass psychology in India. Ignorance of Islam is the chief cause of
fanaticism .... The dawn of deep Communalism proved to be the dusk
of patriotism. It has drawn a curtain over the sublime sentiments of
love for the Motherland, the land of their origin and birth. They
forget, in their madness, that along with the sense of community,
they have to love the Indian soil, where they are born, brought up,
fed for existence and made to flourish in life." A wonderful
analysis indeed !
While writing about polygamy in Islam
Dr. S. Jeelany remarks : "in Muslim countries such as Pakistan,
the U.A.R., Iran, Iraq, Syria and Algeria, where people are better
Muslims - in that at least they know more about their religion the
last of Polygamy has been seen. |