Then comes the Bhagavad Gita, the
most popular of all the Hindu scriptures. The Gita, as it is
shortly called. is so well-known all over the world that it
has been the second most translated work. Though the Bible
ranks first in this regard it should be remembered that its
translations were sponsored by the mighty machinery of the Church
with the enormous material resources at its command. As for the
Gita, its beauty, sublimity and universality prompted its admirers
to translate it into different languages of the world.
is a verse in Sanskrit which compares the Upanishads to a milch-cow
and the Gita to its milk. In other words, the Gita gives the essence
of the Upanishadic philosophy in a simple and practicable form. It
is an integral part of the Mahabharata and is in the form of a
dialogue between Sri Krishna, the great incarnation of God, and
Arjuna, the great warrior prince.