Aspects Of Our Religion
Major Sections


The Vedas represent what should be known and acted upon to enable a man to attain liberation.  It is a cardinal principle of our religion that suffering and sorrow of every one should be over come by realizing one's true nature, by a knowledge of one's true self, namely God.  Our scriptures provide such knowledge in various ways suited to the status and capacity of the person seeking it.  The sources of such knowledge are called Vidyaasthaanas.  Says a verse:

"angaani vedaascatvaarah meemasaa nyaaya vistaarah puraanam dharmasastram cha vidyaa hyetaaschaturdasa cha vodka hyetaaschaturdasa".

Another verse says:

"Puraana nyayameemamsa dharmasaastraangamisritaah vedaah

sthaanaani vidyaanaam dharmasya cha chaturdasa."

These fourteen-sacred books or Vidyaasthaanas are:

I to 4 The four Vedas
5 to 10 The six Vedaangas
11 Meemaamsaa
12 Nyaaya
13 The Puraanas
And 14 The Dharma Saastras.

Author - Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati


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