Major Sections
The Hindu Phenomenon

Appendix 2 - Islam And The Nation Concept

The modern mind just cannot comprehend Islam precisely because it is a totality. Islamic society is rooted in the religion of Islam; it is not the other way about. The point needs to be heavily underscored that Islamic society is wholly unlike Christian society in terms of which it is judged. Unlike Mohammed, Christ did not give his people the law; Christians inherited the Roman law; in plain terms, Christianity did not represent a break from the Graeco-Roman past except in the field of religion narrowly defined. Islamic law is not rooted in pre-Islamic Arab traditions; it is rooted in the Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet. As such Islamic society was a new creation even if old materials had gone into its making in the sense Christian society was not a new creation. Sanatan Dharma, which is now called Hinduism, is a similar totality. But that is another issue which I cannot even touch upon here.

As Islam stepped out of the spartan Arab setting in its formative period, its rulers were bound to succumb to the ways of the Byzantinian and the Sassanid empires they inherited, and they so succumbed. The glorious Muslim civilization that we admire and the Muslims take great pride in was, however, in no small measure the product of this development.


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