points to the fact that things wear out by use, and gradually lose
their original shape and form. But, what is carefully or sparingly
used, what is not handled by all and sundry is as it was in the
beginning. The same is
true of language also. English, Tamil or Hindi, any language for that matter, has
changed its style through the centuries, being commonly used in all sorts and manner of
ways leading to its being worn out and distorted.
But it is remarkable that the language of the Vedas today is the same in form and feature
as it was since time immemorial. There has been no distortion or deterioration. The
reason for this is that the Vedic chanting has been so carefully guarded as not to allow
any possibility of a lapse or change from its pristine form has been se cured by the
several devices mentioned earlier.
Making a rough
'estimate of the so-called 'date' of the Vedas is to go on an 'evidence', which has
no bearing on the Vedas. Not only have the Vedas been without a beginning, but also
they have continued in their identical form through the eons of successive Periods of
deluge and creation alternating with each other. |