Major Sections


Kulapati Preface The Author
Publisher's Preface on the Book " Aspects of Our Religion"



Introduction to the author of the book Sri Chadrasekharendra Saraswati 



Our Religion Ours-A Universal Religion
There are many religions in the world today. Each has a name of its own. These names are personal and indicate the founders of the respective faiths.


We said that the Vedic religion was the earliest region of mankind. All other religions arose only after it. There are evidences to conclude that it was prevalent all over the globe.


"AGE" Of The Vedas Contents of The Vedas
It is customary to speak of the 'Age' of the Vedas. The sacred books-of Buddhism, Christianity and Islam have dates assigned to them by the votaries of the respective religions. 


The Vedas represent what should be known and acted upon to enable a man to attain liberation.




The Spiritual Path The Gita Way
The entire course of a Hindu's spiritual life has been succinctly stated in the Pentad of Instruction known as the Upadesa Panchaka of Sri Sankara


The Lord instructs Arjuna in different ways and concludes: 'therefore fight, Oh! Bharata.
'Fight for this reason; and for this reason.'


The Strength of Our Religion Some Of Our Religious Institutions
Our religion is usually criticized and ridiculed for its so-called polytheism. 'What a host of gods and goddesses you worship! is a gibe flung at us.


We shall consider some institutions with which our religion is closely connected. One is the caste system and the other is temple worship


Moorti Pooja Or Image Worship The Currency Of Dharma
Every object in the world, animate or inanimate is a manifestation of the One God. If one realizes this truth one will do nothing evil.


Imagine a hill which divides two kingdoms each having a different system of currency,
the coins and notes of either of which is not legal tender in the other


Secret Of Happiness
Nara and Naaraayana were doing penance. Narayana is God Himself. Nara is a part of
the divine nature.
