We shall consider some institutions with which our religion is closely connected.
One is the caste system and the other is temple worship. It is necessary to understand the
nature of these institutions and get rid of certain false notions respecting them.
Foreigners criticize us for our caste system. Among ourselves, there is a strong and
persistent move supported even by our Government to put an end to it. Of course, in the
context of modern life, the rules of caste are not practiced as before.
But, whatever the position it will be
useful to spend some thought on the caste system and determine if it is so bad and
injurious as it is said to be.
The main argument
against caste is that it has led to conflicts. But it is forgotten that conflicts of caste
are of comparatively recent origin. The system has been in vogue for thousands of years. That it has survived all through shows that it is not so bad after all. If it
were really injurious to society our ancestors would have abolished it long ago. But they
did not do it. The fact is that conflicts have not occurred on the basis of caste;
interested persons have promoted them.
More violent than caste hatred has been religious
hatred. Religious animosities have a long history. There have been clashes, not only
between different religions, but also between different sects and sections of the same