Let no one pride himself over his caste or
status. We should think only of the duties of our respective castes without any
consciousness of superiority or inferiority. Whatever be one's caste, if one has devotion
to God, one can become divine in essence.
Caste-consciousness can be eradicated only if
one is filled with regard for dharma, is imbued with bhakti and has acquired jnaana. A
holy man, a sage or wise man has no caste-consciousness j since he is full of bhakti and
jnaana. When dharma, bhakti and jnaana take deep root, the caste differences will recede
to the background. We adore great jnaanas and bhaktas irrespective of their castes.
The greatest and noblest
among us looked on themselves as the lowest. Arrogance of caste
superiority is a sin according to our sastras. Men so should do the
duties that pertain to their castes With humility and devotion
and not pride them selves on their castes.
There is one other aspect of the caste
system, which deserves to be emphasized. In times where, it was
strictly observed it was an effective instrument to keep people in the
path of righteousness. |