Aspects Of Our Religion
Major Sections


Every object in the world, animate or inanimate is a manifestation of the One God. If one realizes this truth one will do nothing evil. One will not feel anger or disgust or hatred for any thing or person. One will have no desire for any thing in particular. One may indeed develop faith of a kind through the study of scriptures. But if a person is unable to eschew the mental distractions and agonies arising from anger and desire, he cannot be said to have realized God in everything around him.

The realization and experiencing of this fundamental truth is the true goal of life. And until a person achieves this Supreme consciousness of God in all objects, he should keep striving prayer fully. He should begin by seeking to see God at least in one object through concentration upon that particular object as God, which is one hundred percent true by itself.

The grace of God resulting from such intense concentration will enable him to go further and see God manifest in all that is and thereupon he will be free from the limitations arising from non-experiencing of the truth that God is in all things. This is the fundamental basis of Moorti upaasana ( sagunopaasana). This upaasana unfortunately is nowadays derided as "Idol-worship". It is misnomer to regard Moorti  upaasana as Idol worship. 

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