The Lord instructs Arjuna in different ways and concludes: 'therefore fight, Oh!
Bharata. 'Fight for this reason; and for this reason.' Thus, he gives him many reasons why
he should fight. 'To fight is your dharma; so go and fight. Do your karma', says Krishna.
Thus Krishna instructs Arjuna that to fight is the appointed karma of Arjuna. He speaks in
praise of him who does his karma:
"yajnaarthaat karmaanyatra lokoyam
tadartham? karma kaunteya muktasanghah
The karma should be done in a spirit of dedication to God. 'Do your karma and
offer it to God'. Every person should perform the karmas prescribed for him. The Lord
describes the karmas appropriate to each person. The criterion to determine one's proper
karma is provided, says the Lord, by saastra.
"tasmat saastram pramaanam te
kaaryaakaarya vyavasthitau"
'Consult the saastras if you would know
what is proper for you to do. You should do what is ordained in the
saastras. You are
a kshatriya. To fight is the ordained karma of a kshatriya.' |