As they
offended him, he looked at them with angry eyes and they were reduced to ashes.
Paataala loka corresponds to the Antipodes of India, namely America. May not
California there be Kapila Aranya? The probability is strengthened by the fact that
there is an Ash Mountain Park in California and a Horse Is land in Alaska in North
America. Figures 128 and 129 on page 621 of the
book, "The Native Tribes of Central Australia" by Spencer and Gillen (Macmillan,
1899) depicted a kind of dance said to be current among the wild native tribes of
Australia. The dance is described in the book as "Siva's Dance". On closer
examination, the dancers appear to have painted on their foreheads a third eye, a fact
suggestive of the possibility that the people of even such distant lands as Australia were
acquainted with our Vedic lore and Vedic gods. In the Eastern
Archipelago, evidences of our religion are to be found. In Java, there are numerous
relics of Hindu cult and worship. In Borneo there is a forest, which used to be spoken of
as Virgin Forest (Wallace: The Malay Archipelago pp. 44-45). A party of
explorers discovered a stone, which contained an inscription commemorating in detail the
performance of some yaagas and yajnas by a certain king (Yupa inscriptions of Mula Varman
of Koeti, Borneo). |