Let the reader not expect to find in
the following pages any old interpretations controverted, any newly invented explanations.
This little book aims at a simplified presentation of the Gita content, and at bringing it
within a small compass so as to enable the modern student to understand, in the midst of
his other studies, the faith, discipline and ideals that lighted the path of life for our
forefathers, and to which is given the name Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism.
A little knowledge of the laws of nature and the wonders of
science, specially when that knowledge is acquired secondhand without the chastening
influence of effort and investigation, acts as a wine on some natures. Their sense of
proportion is unset. The unknown is not only unknown but also ceases to exist for them.
Holy books and scriptures seem to them ancient folly; nay worse, they are looked upon as
instruments and deliberate devices for the practice of fraud. |