It may be asked why anyone should worry
about the unknown. Of what use is it? The answer is that to ignore the real is foolish.
The unknown is no less real because it is unknown. We know this much about it, that it is
there and has profound relation to all that exists including ourselves, How then can we
ignore it? The gap in human perception, we know, is not a void but filled with the most
important reality, although we cannot dive into it, analyse it or understand it.
In the material world, does not the mathematician deal with
quantities that are too great or too small for definition, and with expressions that are
for the human understanding wholly unreal? Infinity, zero and surds are not neglected in
mathematics, but go greatly to make up a science which actually helps engineers and
mechanics to build real and useful construction. The insoluble and the infinite are thus
neither unreal nor use- less even for practical life. What is said in the Gita, the
Upanishads and other holy books of the world may often be not as precise or clear as we
would want it to be. The explanations are not as satisfying as the proofs we find in the
physical sciences. |