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Books By Rajaji


This, the most important doctrine in Hindu religion, is the application in the moral sphere of the law of conservation of energy, and indeed both may be looked upon as parts of one law. Karma is the rule of the law, so to say, in the spiritual world. Cause and effect must be equivalent. As death is only disintegration of the body, and not of the Soul, the law of cause and effect, so far as the Soul is concerned, continues to operate beyond death. The death of the body does not operate as a bankruptcy court. The old account is carried over.

The tiniest pebble thrown into water produces a ripple. The disturbance is carried onward in ever-widening circles on the water. One ripple may cut across, add itself to, and be merged in another, increasing or reducing it, but not the tiniest movement can go for naught Likewise also do all our acts-and over and above the effect on others and apart from any question of reward or punishment, we can see.. without the help of any doctrine, that every thought or act, good or bad, has at once an effect on oneself.

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