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The next song says: Do not be proud of your youth and health. Do not be vain and say: "I have wealth, kinsmen, friends and also servants to do my bidding. What more do I need?" When fortune begins to frown on you, all these will disappear in a trice. All your arrogance will change in a moment into shame. Realize the instability of things and lead your days with due humility. Give up desires and attachments, do your duties and then seek knowledge of the self. A wise man will tread the path of renunciation as a result of his wisdom.

The pleasure and riches of worldly life are delusive appearances. Realizing that they are a passing show, prepare for the way of renunciation. The wise has warned that it requires maturity of mind to take the path of renunciation. The renunciation of the immature will only make them objects of ridicule.

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