Hinduism Doctrine And Way Of Life
Major Sections
Books By Rajaji


This is only what may be expected, for while difficulties of language and idiom can be overcome by patient scholarship, the complex product of the gradual synthesis of philosophy and social evolution, that is to say, of the eternal with the ephemeral, which has taken place through millennia and which reflects vicissitudes of a chequered history, is not easy for a foreigner to understand or explain.

It is hoped that this book will be found to present in a brief and fairly understandable form the elements of Hindu faith and ethics, a knowledge of that will enable one to grasp the ethos of India.  Half the population of the world lives in Asia and professes allegiance to religious and moral ideas that undoubtedly originated in India. Sir Henry Maine has stated that, barring the blind forces of nature, there was nothing that lived and moved in the world which was not Hellenic in origin.

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