tells us:
"The whole universe is a manifestation and product of that universal, formless,
causeless Sat. The sun, moon and all the quarters, all knowledge, and the souls of all
existing beings are parts and manifestations of that single all-immanent Being. All life
and all qualities, functions and activities are evolutions of that single Energy. He is
the fire, which makes the very sun burn obediently like a faggot in the fire. The rain does not rain, but it is He that rains through and by means
of the clouds. Living beings multiply, but it is He indeed that multiplies through them.
The mountains and the seas, the rivers, the trees and shrubs and their essences, all issue
from that Supreme Spirit who is immanent in everything and dwells in our
The theory of evolution by natural selection may be
considered to hold the field in the science of biology. |