Kural - The Great Book Of
Tiru-Valluvar |
Books By Rajaji |
Inflexible law
withers the soul of him that has no love in his heart, even as the sun shrivels up the
bodies of boneless worms. As the spine supports the bodies of vertebrates, love supports
the soul. Without it, life shrinks and stops the spirit's evolution. Where there is no
tenderness of heart, life is barren of purpose. Can a tree that is dried up in the desert
sun put forth leaves? Without a tender heart, of what avail are the
externals of family life? Just as the outer ear or eye may be there, but it is of no avail
to the deaf and the blind, so is the soulless routine of a householder's life purposeless
without tenderness of heart. Without tenderness of heart, the body is but bones covered up
with skin. In love alone is the secret of life. Life functions really in love and
not in the physical activities of the body. |
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