Kural - The Great Book Of Tiru-Valluvar
Major Sections
Books By Rajaji


Entrust work to men, only after testing them. But after they have been so appointed, accept their service without distrust. It is wrong to chosen without care and equally wrong, to distrust men w1loni you have chosen.

Those who have had to do with the organization of unofficial national work, where the bond that holds leaders and workers together in service is non-coercive and voluntary, will recognize the comprehensiveness and accuracy of analysis of the qualifications mentioned below for the selection of men. Loyalty, a discriminating mind, clear-headedness, freedom from the lure-of property is four essential qualifications

If any of these elements fail, one will have to regret the selection.

Again, in spite Of every other test being satisfied, there arc some that are not suitable by reason of the nature of the particular work to be entrusted to them.

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