Kural - The Great Book Of Tiru-Valluvar
Major Sections
Books By Rajaji


Kudiseyal vagai is how to be a good citizen. Kudi is that social unit in which the members have the consciousness of direct participation in interest. It is not to be interpreted as family or clan. The nearest English word is perhaps Community.

There is nothing that so dignifies the individual as being ever ready to render service to the community.

A community prospers if its members are industrious and possess sound knowledge.

If you resolve to place yourself at the service of your community, fate, like a servant, will hasten to your help with girded loins.

Resolve to labour whole-heartedly for the honour of your people and you will find your work bear fruit in a manner not anticipated by you.

i.e., sooner and in greater measure than expected.

The world will befriend and gather round him who lives a blameless life of service to his people.

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