Kural - The Great Book Of Tiru-Valluvar
Major Sections
Books By Rajaji


True Valour consists in taking up the responsibilities of the community in which one is born.

It is the men of Valour that have to beat the responsibility of many, not only on the battlefield, but in peace also wherein the, braver and more capable members take, upon themselves the burden of working for the community.

He who is bent on service to the community does not waste energy in thinking over convenience of time or points of dignity.

The man who makes up his mind to reform his community must be prepared for great suffering. He must look upon his body as a receptacle to hold griefs and sufferings for the benefit of others

The reform of a society is built on the consecrated suffering of devoted individuals.

That community will fall uprooted by misfortune, which has no good individuals to support it by public spirited sacrifice:

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