Kaurava warriors opposed him, but they fell like moths in the fire, one
after another. Abhimanyu's shafts searched the weak points in the armour of his enemies,
and the bodies of soldiers lay strewn on the field like Kusa grass on the sacrificial
plat- form.
Bows, arrows, swords, shields, javelins, pieces of harness, chaiot
canopies, axes, maces- spears, whips, conchs, along with severed heads and limbs of slain
warriors, covered the field.
Seeing the destruction wrought by Abhi- manyu, Duryodhana was wroth and
rushed in person to oppose the youthful warrior. Drona, having leant that the king himself
was engaged in battle with Abhimanyu, became anxious and sent veterans to protect
With great difficulty, they managed to rescue the king from the
boy-hero who, greatly disappointed at the escape of Duryodhana, vented his anger on the
warriors, that had come to rescue him and put them to headlong flight.