Then, throwing away all sense of shame and chivalry, a Large number of
veteran warriors made a combined and simultan- eous attack on the hero, who foundhimself
alone, surrounded by enemies on allsides.
But, even as on all sides a rock receives the rising tide of the sea,
Arjuna's son with stood this united ouslaught.
Drona, Aswatthama, Kripa, Karna, Sakuni, Salya and many other great
warriors in their chariots, equipped with all arms, surged in attack on the young hero,
only to be dashed back, baffled and broken.
Asmaka rode his chariot at great speed against Abhimanyu's but smiling,
Abhi- manyu sent his shafts and disposed of him in no time. Karna's armour was pierced.
Salya was badly wounded and sat, unable to move, in his chariot.
Salya's brother came up in great wrath to avenge his brother's disgrace but he fell and
his chariot was broken to pieces.