Yudhishthira was delighted at these words of Krishna. "Sri Krishna
knows my mind," said he. "Truth is greater than power or prosperity and has to
be guarded at all costs and not the kingdom. When he wants us to fight, he shall find us
The heroes of the Vrishni race may now return with the certainty that
we shall meet again when the time is ripe." With these words Yudhishthira gave them
leave to return.
Arjuna was still away in the Himalayas and Bhima's anxiety and
impatience became well nigh insupportable. He said to Yudhishthira:
"You know that our life depends on Arjuna. He has been very long
away, and we have had no tidings of him. If he should be lost to us, then neither the king
of Panchala, nor Satyaki nor even Sri Krishna can save us, and I for one cannot survive
that loss.
All this we owe to that mad game of dice- our sorrows and sufferings,
as well as the growing strength of our foes.
To be dwelling in the forest is not the duty enjoined on a Kshatriya.
We should immediately recall Arjuna and wage war with the sons of Dhritarashtra, with the
help of Sri Krishna. I shall be satisfied only when the wicked Sakuni, Karna and
Duryodhana are slain.