Arjuna, who left us a long time ago to get divine weapons, has not
returned as yet and we miss him sorely. Will he return with divine arms? And when will he
be back? Surely never was there in this world a man who suffered so much sorrow as
The great sage replied: "Do not let your mind dwell on sorrow.
Arjuna will return with divine weapons and you will conquer your enemies in the fitness of
time. You say that there is no one in this world that is as unfortunate as you.
Now, that is not true, though everyone, tried by adversity, is inclined
to claim pre-eminence in sorrow, because things felt are more than things heard or seen.
Have you heard of king Nala of Nishadha?
He suffered more sorrows than yourself even in the forest. He was
deceived by Pushkara at a game of dice; he lost his wealth and kingdom and had to go in
exile to the forest. Less fortunate than you, he had not with him his brothers or
The influence of Kali, the spirit of the dark age, deprived him of his
discrimination and good sense and, not knowing what he was doing, he deserted his wife who
had accompanied him, and wandered about