They were defeated and Arjuna scattered their forces and slew them both.
After this, Krishna unyoked the chariot and let the horses roll in the mud. The horses
rested for a while and were refreshed. Then, they proceeded again according to plan.
"Dhananjaya, look behind! There comes the foolhardy Duryodhana.
What good luck! Long have you suppressed your anger, and now is the time for you to let
yourself go. Here is the man who caused all this grief, delivering himself into your
hands. But remember he is a great archer, well-versed in bow lore, and also a keen and
strong-limbed fighter." Thus said Krishna and they halted to give battle to the
Duryodhana approached without fear.
"They say, Arjuna, that you have done acts of prowess. I have not
seen this myself. Let me see if your courage and your skill are indeed as great as your
reputation," said Duryodhana to Arjuna as he began to battle.
The combat was fierce indeed andKrishna was surprised.
"Partha, I am astonished," said Krishna, "How is it your
arrows do not seem to hurt Duryodhana? This is the first time I see the shafts proceeding
from the Gandiva strike their targets without effect.