This is strange, Have your arms lost their power? Or has Gandiva lost its
quality? Why do your arrows strike Duryodhana and drop to the ground without piercing him?
This is most puzzling."
Arjuna smiled and replied: "I understand. This man has come
accoutred by Drona in charmed armour. The acharya has taught me the secret of this armour,
but this man wears it as a bullock might do. You will see some fun now!"
Saying thus, Arjuna proceeded to shoot his arrows, first depriving
Duryodhana of his horses, his charioteer and his car. Then, Arjuna broke his bow and
disarmed him completely. There after he sent needle-Eke darts which pierced just those
parts of Duryodhana's body that were not covered by armour, until he could bear it no
longer and turned and fled.
When Duryodhana was thus discomfited, Krishna blew his conch and it
sent a thrill of fear in Jayadratha's army. The warriors around the Sindhu king were
surprised. They at once got ready in their chariots and Bhurisravas, Chala,
Karna,Vrishasena, Kripa, Salya, Aswatthama and Jaya- dratha-eight of them-arrayed their
forces against Arjuna.