Arjuna was somewhat grieved at the death of the noble animal and for his
not having been able to slay Bhagadatta, without killing the beast.
Arjuna's shafts tore the silken napkin that bound up the folds of the
aged king's forehead and he was blinded at once by his own hanging wrinkles.
Soon, a sharp crescent-headed shaft came and pierced his chest and
Bhaga- datta fell like a great tree in a storm, his golden necklace shining like flowers
on the uprooted tree. The Kaurava forces fell into utter confusion.
Sakuni's brothers Vrisha and Achala tried their best to oppose Arjuna
and attacked him in front and rear.
But their chariots were soon dashed
to pieces and theywere themselves stricken dead on the field like two lion cubs.
They both looked muchalike and equally
noble in appearance. |