Krishna was moved and said: "Weep not. Dhritarashtra's sons will not
listen to my words of peace. They are going to fall and their bodies will be food
for wild dogs and jackals. You will live to see us victorious and the insult to you will
be fully avenged, and that too, soon." Draupadi was satisfied.
Madhava* halted for the night near the city of Kucasthala. When news of
Krishna's forthcoming visit came, the city was in great excitement.
Dhritarashtra issued orders for decorating the city and arrangements
for receiving Janardana* were in full swing. Dhritarashtra issued instructions that
Duhsasana's palace, being bigger and more beautiful than Duryodhana's, should be got ready
and placed at the disposal of Krishna and his entourage and shamianas were erected at
several places outside the city, along the route which Krishna's chariot was to take.
Dhritarashtra consulted Vidura. He said to him: "Make arrangements
for presenting Govinda with chariots and elephants. Presents of other kinds should also be
got ready." But Vidura said:
"Govinda cannot be bought with presents. Give him that for which
he is coming to the land of the Kurus. Does he not come here seeking a peaceful
settlement? Make that possible. You cannot satisfy Madhava with other gifts."