Dhritarashtra once again said to his son: "If you do not listen to
Govinda's advice, our race will perish."
Drona and Bhishma also tried repeatedly to persuade Duryodhana and turn
him from error Duryodhana was furious with everyone for pressing him in this matter to
agree to a peaceful solution. He rose, and said:
"Madhusudana, you wrong me out of love for the Pandavas. The
others here also blame me, but I do not think I am one whit to blame in this
matter. The Pandavas, of their own volition, staked their kingdom at play and,
being defeated, justly forfeited it.
How am I responsible for it? Losing the game, they went to the forests
as in honour bound. For what fault of mine do they now seek battle and wish to slay us? I
will not yield to threats.
When I was young, the elders did us grievous wrong by giving the
Pandavas I do not know why, a part of the kingdom to which they had not a shadow of a
right. I acquiesced then but they lost it at play.