Yudhishthira now heard Bhima's roar rise above the tumult of battle, and
heartened by it, he fought Drona with increased vigour.
In the renewed and fierce battle between Bhima and Karna. Bhima lost
his horses and charioteer. Soon his chariot also was smashed to pieces. Then, Bhima hurled
his spear at Karna who was in his chariot and as Karna parried it with his shaft, Bhima
advanced with sword and shield.
But Karna broke the shield at once with his shafts. Then, Bhima whirled
his sword and hurled it, and it cut Karna's bow into two and fell on the ground. But Karna
took up yet another bow and assailed Bhima with arrows more fiercely than before.
Bhima, in a fit of uncontrollable rage, sprang upon Karna. Radheya took
cover behind his flagstaff and escaped destruc- tion. Thereupon, Bhima jumped out of
Karna's car down into the field of battle where, deprived of all arms, he used the
elephants lying dead on the ground to protect himself from Karna's arrows and continued
the fight.