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Books By Rajaji


He picked up anything he could lay hands upon, wheels of broken chariots, the limbs of horses and elephants that were lying about, and hurling them at Karna, kept him engaged without interval, but this could not long continue and Bhima was soon at a great disadvantage. Karna said exultingly:

"Foolish glutton, you do not know the science of war; why do you engage your self in battle here? Go to the jungle and fill yourself with fruits and roots and grow fat.

You are a savage, not fit for kshatriya battle. Get away!" Hurling insulting taunts at him, he made the helpless Bhima burn with rage, but mindful of his word to Kunti, forbore from killing him.

"There, Arjuna! See how poor Bhima is being harassed by Karna," said Krishna. Dhananjaya's eyes burned red with wrath, when he saw the plight of his valiant brother.

He bent his Gandiva and discharged his arrows on Karna who then gladly turned his attentions from Bhima to Arjuna. He had pledged his word to Kunti not to kill more than one of the Pandavas and he reserved that option for great Arjuna.

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