"Who is the friend of one who stays at home?"
"The wife."
"Who accompanies a man in death?"
"Dharma. That alone accompanies the soul in its solitary journey
after death."
"Which is the biggest vessel?"
"The earth, which contains all within itself is the greatest
"What is happiness?"
"Happiness is the result of good conduct."
"What is that, abandoning which man becomes loved by all?"
"Pride-for abandoning that man will be loved by all."
"What is the loss which yields joy and not sorrow?"
"Anger-giving it up, we will no longer subject to sorrow."
"What is that, by giving up which, man becomes rich?"
"Desire-getting rid of it, man becomes wealthy."
"What makes one a real brahmana? Is it birth, good conduct or
learning? Answer decisively."