the miner worked for many days in secret, unknown to Purochana, and completed a
subterranean egress from the wax house right under and across the walls and the moat,
which ran round the precincts.
Purochana had his quarters at thegate-way of
the palace. The Pandavas kept armed vigil during night, but by day they used to go out
hunting in the forest, to all appearance bent on pleasure but really to make themselves
familiar with the forest paths.
As has already been said, they carefully kept
to them selves their knowledge of the wicked plot against their lives. On his side
Purochana, anxious to lull all suspicion and make the murderous fire seem an accident,
waited fully a year before putting the plot into effect.
At last Purochana felt he had waited long
enough; and the watchful Yudhishthira, knowing that the fated moment had arrived, called
his brothers together and told them that then or never was the time for them to escape.
Kuntidevi arranged a sumptuous feast for the
attendants that day. Her idea was to lull them to well-fed sleep at night. |