They have been the victims of insufferable wrongs at the hands of
Duryodhana. When Draupadi was insulted in the Assembly Hall, Bhima vowed: 'I will one day
in battle break the two thighs of Duryodhana with this mace and kill him.' He proclaimed
this solemn oath at thattime and every one has known it.
It is the duty of a kshatriya to fulfil the vow he has solemnly
taken.Do not let your anger mislead you and do not be unjust to the innocent Pandavas. You
should,before condemning Bhima, take into account all the wrongs that the Kauravas have
done to the Pandavas.
Nothingbut error can result if oneproceeds to judge conduct without
taking intoaccount the chain of events leading up to it. You cannot snatch a particular
act out of its context and proceed to give judgment on it alone without gross injustice.
The era of Kali has arrived, when the laws of a previous age cannot
apply. It was not wrong for Bhima to strike below the navel an enemy who had wickedly
contrived against his life on many occasions.
It was because of Duryodhana's foul instigation that Karna sent a shaft
from be hind and broke Abhimanyu's bowstring m hen he was defending himself against heavy