brahmana jumped up in amazed surprise, but then shook his head sadly and would not hear of
the substituted sacrifice. Kunti said: "O brahmana, do not be afraid. My son is
endowed with super- human powers derived from mantras and will certainly kill this
rakshasa, as I have myself seen him kill many other such rakshasas.
But keep this a secret, for, if you reveal it,
his power will come to naught."Kunti's fear was that, if the story got noised abroad,
Duryodhana's men would see the hand of the Pandavas, and find out their where abouts.Bhima
was filled with unbounded joy and enthusiasm at the arrangement made by Kunti.
The other brothers returned to the house with
alms. Dharmaputra saw the face of Bhimasena radiant with joy to which it had long been a
stranger and inferred that he was resolved on some hazardous adventure and questioned
Kunti who told him everything. |