But this he could not do, because Brihas- pati had, in his anger, made
himself invisible. This preyed on Indra's mind.
With Brihaspati gone, Indra's strength began to decline, while that of
the asuras increased, which encouraged the latter to attack the gods. Then Brahma, taking
pity on the beleaguered gods, advised them to take unto themselves a new acharya.
Said he to them: "You have, throughIndra's folly, lost Brihaspati.
Go now to Twashta's son Visvarupa and request that noble spirit to be your preceptor and
all will be well with you."
Heartened by these words, the gods sought the youthful anchorite
Visvarupa and made their request to him saying: "Though young in years, you are well
versed in the Vedas. Do us the honour of being our teacher."
Visvarupa agreed, to the great advantage of the gods for, as a result
of his guidance and teaching, they were saved from the harrying asuras.
Visvarupa's, mother was of the asura clan of daityas, which caused
Indra to regard Visvarupa with suspicion. He feared that because of his birth, Visvarupa
might not be quite loyal and his suspicion gradually deepened.