When the battle was going against Indra, the rishis and the gods sought
refuge in great Vishnu who offered them protection and said to them: "Be not afraid.
I shall enter Indra's Vajrayudha and he will win the battle in the end." And they
returned in good heart.
They went to Vritra and said to him: "Please make friends with
Indra. You are both equal in strength and valour."
Vritra respectfully answered: "O blameless ones, how can Indra,
and I become friends? Forgive me. There cannot be friendship between rivals for supremacy.
Two great powers cannot co-exist as you know."
The rishis said in reply: "Do not entertain such doubts. Two good
souls can be friends and their friendship is often during quality."
Vritra yielded saying: "Well, then, I shall cease fighting. But I
have no faith in Indra. He might take me unawares. So I seek this boon of you, namely,
that neither by day nor by night, neither with dry weapons nor with wet ones, neither with
stone nor with wood, nor with metals, nor with arrows shall Indra be able to take my