"Two powerful Raakshasas must have struggled here," groaned Raama,
"each claiming the sole right to eat Seeta."
Conjecturing and lamenting in this way,
Raama went on: "Dharma could not save Seeta! No god came to her rescue! It will be
right to destroy this wicked world." Raama was beside himself and talked wildly.
Lakshmana did his best to calm the
distracted Raama. "Great sorrow unbalances all minds, even the strongest," he
said. "Else why should you thus lose self-control? Why should you hate and curse the
whole world for the evil deed of one person? How often have you, my brother, calmed my
anger and led me on the right path! But now a great grief has upset your mind and it is
the turn of the younger brother to give courage and counsel patience to the elder and
restore him to his natural heroism. Let us find out who our enemy is and deal with
him." |