The princes chanted holy invocations as they poured libations to the departed
spirit: "O king of birds, may you enjoy all the bliss of the virtuous who perform
great sacrifices! May you enjoy the bliss of Vaanaprasthas who have performed great
penance! May you enjoy the bliss of those who have made great gifts of land! May you enjoy
the bliss of those who fight heroically in the field of battle! May the bliss of all good
people be yours!" After the ceremony Raama became steadier and stronger in mind.
To millions of men, women and children in
India, the Raamaayana is not a mere tale. It has more truth and meaning than the events in
one's own life. Just as plants grow under the influence of sun-light, the people of India
grow in mental strength and culture by absorbing the glowing inspiration of the
Raamaayana. |