That is Ahalya's story as told by Vaalmeeki. There are in other Puranas and
popular stories slightly varying versions, but the differences need not trouble us.
Now, a word to those of our times who read
Raamaayana and Bhaarata and other Puranas. In these works, there are
frequent references to Devas and Raakshasas. The latter were wicked, had no regard
for dharma, and revelled in evil deeds. Asuras were also like Raakshasas. But even
among Raakshasas there were a few wise and virtuous people. There spring up bad men
even in the best of races and vice versa. On the whole, Asuras and Raakshasas were those
who rejoiced in doing wicked deeds. It is a pity that some people in their ignorance
identify the Asuras and Raakshasas with ancient Indian tribes and races-a view not
supported by any literary work or tradition or recorded history. |