There was no earlier work referring to Raavana that can be quoted to contradict
Vaalmeeki and stamp him as being partial to Raama, Seeta and the Devas, and twisting facts
to deceive people. Vaalmeeki's Raamaayana is the fountain source of the story of Raama; in
it, one comes across seemingly wrong deeds.
Calm consideration of such situations would
show that they are just portrayals of similar difficulties in our day-to-day lie. It is
for us to benefit from the moral trials contained in them. The lesson of the Ahalya
episode is that, however deadly one's sin, one may hope to be freed from its consequence
by penitence and punishment. Instead of condemning others for their sins, we should look
within our own hearts and try to purify them of every evil thought. The best of us have
need for eternal vigilance, if we would escape sin. This is the moral of Ahalya's error. |