"You have regained the kingdom of your ancestors and are in secure
possession and enjoyment of it. But something yet remains to be done. You must fulfil your
promise to your allies and so increase your fame and strengthen your power. Even at the
sacrifice of one's own interests and pleasure, one should carry out the business of one's
friends according to one's promise. Only so can a king's authority and reputation grow.
"It will be best to fulfil one's
promise before the due date; in any case delay should be avoided. Fulfilment after the
promised date is worse than useless. One should not wait to be reminded by one's friends
of what had been promised to them. All this you know without my telling you. Remembering
what Raama had done for us, we must take steps to fulfil our promise without waiting to be
reminded by him.
The rainy season is over. There is no
ground for further delay. We can no longer postpone the task of searching for Seeta. Raama
may be very patient, but that does not justify any further delay on our part. Did not
Raama kill your foe promptly, not minding the danger or the blame involved? We should
fulfil our promise with equal promptness." |