He thought that if she saw his wealth and power she would yield to him. She was
therefore taken round in the great palace and shown the wealth and grandeur there
displayed. No king on earth had ever possessed such wealth and means of enjoyment.
Seeta was shown gold and jewels and silks
in plenty; curiously wrought platforms, vehicles and towers; thousands of maid servants
and every symbol of wealth and royal power. But her thoughts were elsewhere.
Raavana tried to convince her also of the
vastness of his army. But then she had already formed her opinion of his prowess and had
described it to him in scathing terms.
Yet, Raavana argued: "All this you can
count and enjoy as your own. You hall, be my queen, dearer to me than life itself. I have
many wives but you shall be mistress of them all. Hereafter my love shall be for you and
you alone. Listen to me. Do my desire. For hundreds of miles the sea surrounds this island
which is guarded by thousands of mighty soldiers. |