You are, like the goat tied to the altar-post for sacrifice, doomed to death. The
moment Raama sets his angry eyes on you, you will meet your fate. My lord will dry up the
sea or bring down the moon, if necessary, to kill you and redeem me. It is certain. Your
evil deed will bring destruction on yourself and your kingdom. My noble lord lived
unafraid in the midst of the Raakshasas in the forest. Like a hero, he fought and killed
the Raakshasas who encountered him. Like a thief, you stole me in his absence. But you
cannot escape. Your fate impelled you to this sin because the hour of your ruin and the
destruction of your race are near.
"You ask me to accept you. How
foolish! Can the craw approach the swan? Can a heinous sinner be allowed near the
sacrificial fire? I do not value life or body. Do you imagine I would wish to live
despised by the world? Do not dream that out of fear or for saving my life i shall yield
to you." |